Ebon Armory is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is a Heavy Armor Set that is part of One Tamriel, and has 4 Bonuses.
Heavy Armor - Soul Shriven
Bind on Pickup
Ebon Armory
(2 items) Adds 1206 Max Health
(3 items) Adds 1206 Max Health
(4 items) Adds 4% Healing Taken
(5 items) Increases your Max Health by 1000 for you and up to 11 other group members within 28 meters of you.
Ebon Armory Set Guide
- Type of Set: Heavy Armor
- Jewelry Trait: Healthy
- Required Content: None
- Recommend For: Tanks
- Transmute crystal cost:
- Value: Very High
- Difficulty to Acquire: Medium
Ebon Armory Set Location
- Ebon Armory Set drops from all enemies in the dungeon Crypt of Hearts (Normal and Veteran). It can also be looted from Treasure Chests inside the dungeon.
- Dungeon bosses and mini bosses will now drop a set piece 100% of the time.
- Mini bosses will drop either a hand, waist, or feet set piece.
- Bosses will drop either a chest, shoulder, head or leg set piece.
- The final Boss of a dungeon will drop weapons or jewelry.
- Normal mode dungeon bosses will drop blue-quality items.
- Veteran mode dungeon bosses will drop purple-quality items.
Builds that use Ebon Armory
Ebon Armory Unique Set Pieces
Bonehand's Amulet
- Type: Necklace
- Dropped by: Uulkar Bonehand, Crypt of Hearts I
- Enchantments: Reduce Spell Cost
- Traits: Healthy
Dremora Collar
- Type: Necklace
- Dropped by: Dogas the Berserker, Crypt of Hearts I
- Enchantments: Healthy Recovery
- Traits: Arcane
Ibelgast's Promise
- Type: Ring
- Dropped by: Ibelgast, Crypt of Hearts II
- Enchantments: Weapon Damage
- Traits: Healthy
Mallet of the Devourer
- Type: Maul
- Dropped by: Ilambris Amalgam, Crypt of Hearts II
- Enchantments: Life Drain
- Traits: Infused
Ebon Armory Set Notes
- Values listed are at Legendary Champion 160
- This set is bind-on-pickup
- This set has Weapons of every type
- Once the set piece is in your Collections, you can create an account-bound piece of the set using Transmute Crystals.
Ebon Armory Set Pieces
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Don't waste a full set wearing this crap. The dps now days can run through dungeons by them selves if they wanted. They don't need an extra 1k health. Forget about the flashing red balls lol and wear something that makes your run better and more fun for you. ..I see every1 wearing it on Xbox and I just think what a waste. ..i honestly think its terrible. Everytime i see it i say to myself "obviously this guy seen it on youtube so it must be good" ..look at it! ..Its so bad. Lol
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Finished my healer set for sanctuary now farming this for jewelry and weapons on ps4 for my tank wish me luck
- Anonymous
really? with one day i got 2 or 3 chest pieces, well its hard to get all pieces like Leviathan 2H sword cause it final thing i need, Oblivion Lev set mix, what i have noticed is if u play as Magic char healer or DPS u get more heavy armor set pieces & when u are stamina build & med or heavy armor u get more light armor & then heavy is rare, in other words it gives u opposite what the char u currently play needs, but some pieces are harder to get specially when ur near complete finishing ur set mix the way u want
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
i love it when bethesda puts little nods to daggerfall in their newer games
- Anonymous
After one of the most recent patches, this set is actually reported as Soul Shriven style, and also gives you the soul shriven style material (Azure Plasm) when deconstructed
- Anonymous
I feel like the list below is wrong I have farmed COH 1 veteran mode 20 times and the only ebon set I get I from other people and the final boss I have not once drop a wep or jewelry for me
•Crypt of Hearts (Normal and Veteran)
•Dungeon bosses and mini bosses will now drop a set piece 100% of the time.
•Mini bosses will drop either a hand, waist, or feet set piece.
•Bosses will drop either a chest, shoulder, head or leg set piece.
•The final Boss of a dungeon will drop weapons or jewelry.
•Normal mode dungeon bosses will drop blue-quality items.
•Veteran mode dungeon bosses will drop purple-quality items.
- Anonymous
Does anybody know if the group bonus from the final passive stacks? For instance: if 2 players in a group are wearing a full set of this armor, does it increase the max health of members in the group twice? (3 times if 3 wearers, 4 times if 4 wearers etc)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
WTB 2 Infused Shield and 2 Healthy Rings for PS4. PSN: the5thraisin
- Anonymous
Any idea on where would be the best place to grind for theses set pieces?
- Anonymous
WTB a ebon shield with infused trait CP160. My nickname is Atomowy-Walec, pm me
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Heartbreaker Greaves - the reward for doing the first run-through is also a unique set piece