Beckoning Steel is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is a Heavy Armor Set that is part of One Tamriel, and has 4 Bonuses.

Heavy Armor - AldmeriDaggerfallEbonheart

Bind on Equip

Beckoning Steel
set line

LEVEL 50  champion CHAMPION 160

(2 items) Adds 1487 Armor
(3 items) Adds 1206 Max Health
(4 items) Adds 1487 Armor
(5 items) Generate an aura that causes you and 11 group members within the aura to take 10% less damage from projectiles. You can only be affected by one instance of Beckoning Steel.




Beckoning Steel Set Guide

  • Type of Set: Heavy Armor
  • Jewelry Trait: Healthy
  • Required Content: None
  • Recommend For: Tank
  • Transmute crystal cost:
  • Difficulty to Acquire: Medium


Beckoning Steel Set Location

  • Beckoning Steel Set can be acquired in Cyrodiil - Vlastarus Elite Gear Vendor
  • Beckoning Steel Set can be acquired in Cyrodiil - As a reward from Vlastarus Reward Container
  • Beckoning Steel Set can be acquired in PvP - Rewards of the Worthy


Beckoning Steel Set Notes

  • Values listed are at Legendary Champion 160
  • This Set has a Weapon of each type.
  • This Set is bind-on-equip.
  • This Set was changed with Update 21 Wrathstone DLC
    • Previously, this set's 5-set bonus would draw any projectiles in a certain radius to the equipper.
  • While there are many projectiles in the game that are affected by this set's 5-set bonus, this is largely considered less useful than many other tank sets that provide more constant defense.
  • Once the set piece is in your Collections, you can create an account-bound piece of the set using Transmute Crystals.


Beckoning Steel Set Pieces

aldmeri heavy head aaldmeri heavy chest aaldmeri heavy shoulders aaldmeri heavy legs aaldmeri heavy feet aaldmeri heavy hands aaldmeri heavy waist aaldmeri 2hsword a aldmeri shield aaldmeri bow aRingFocus


Heavy Armor Sets
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