Twilight's Embrace is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is one of the Crafted Sets, part of One Tamriel, and has 4 bonuses.
Any Item - Any Craftable
Bind on Equip
Twilight's Embrace

(2 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
(3 items) Adds 657 Critical Chance
(4 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
(5 items) Increases your healing received by 10%.
Twilight's Embrace Set Guide
- Type of Set: Any
- Required Traits Researched: 3 Traits
- Required Content: One Tamriel
- Recommend For: Mag Tank
- Value: Low
- Transmute crystal cost:
- Difficulty to Acquire: Easy
Twilight's Embrace Set Crafting Sites
- Grahtwood - Vineshade Lodge
- Stormhaven - Windrige Warehouse
- Deshaan - Avayan's Farm
Twilight's Embrace Set Notes & Tips
- Values listed are at Legendary Champion 160
- Requires 3 Traits to craft pieces of this Set
- 5 item bonus was added in Patch V1.1.2
- 2 & 4 item bonuses were added in Patch V1.3.3.
- Additional Healing value does not change with level or improvement.
- The Summerset Chapter is required to craft Jewelry for this Set.
- Once the set piece is in your Collections, you can create an account-bound piece of the set using Transmute Crystals.
- Anonymous
I can make this in all armor types, weapons, jewelry and styles. Message me on NA PS4 PSN:WICKEDPHARAOH
I can make this in all armor types, weapons, and styles. Message me on NA PS4 PSN:WICKEDPHARAOH
The only other armor option for me is jully and i dont have dlc ;-;
- Anonymous
I can craft this in all styles. Light, Med, Heavy, and all weapons. Msg me PS4 Na PSN WICKEDPHARAOH
- Anonymous
So I'm assuming that when you say you can create any weapon, armor, etc, that you can make them heavy armor, light armor, bows, swords, etc. and still have the same set.
**** is wrong, its max health not magic