Grave-Stake Collector is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is one of the Crafted Sets, part of Murkmire DLC Game Pack, and has 4 bonuses.
Any Item - Any Craftable
Bind on Equip
Grave-Stake Collector

(2 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
(3 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
(4 items) Adds 1206 Maximum Health
(5 items) Enemies you've damaged drop a grave-stake for 6 seconds after they've died (only 1 stake can be active at any time). Touching the grave-stake restores 4564 Stamina and Magicka. Only one grave-stake can appear at a time.
Grave-Stake Collector Set Guide
- Type of Set: Any
- Required Traits Researched: 7 Traits
- Required Content: Murkmire DLC Game Pack
- Recommend For: Tank
- Transmute crystal cost:
- Difficulty to Acquire: Easy
How to Get Grave-Stake Collector Set
- Grave-Stake Collector Set can be Crafted in Sweet Breeze Overlook, Murkmire
Grave-Stake Collector Set Notes & Tips
- This Set was added with Murkmire
- The Summerset Chapter is required to craft Jewelry for this Set.
- Once the set piece is in your Collections, you can create an account-bound piece of the set using Transmute Crystals.
- Anonymous
Is that set really crp, or do I just sudder from terrible RNG ? For me, "10% chance" translates into "kill 5 groups of enemies and run dry because that thing never triggers, then get one gravestake when you don't need it"... Looks nice on paper, but seems to be very unreliable. I've actually counted enemies between procs, and usually I need 30 to 40 deaths to get it to trigger. Yet, on average I'm close to 20 enemies because every once in a while I'll get 2 in a row.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
It's a nice set to send to your buddies who are playing for the first time. It should serve them well when soloing and in groups as they learn to manage their stam/mana pools.