Lifeline |
Location |
Darkwater Crossing, Wittestadr, Mistwatch |
Reward |
Wolf-Sister Sandals |
Lifeline is a quest in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO).
Quest Information
Thane Oda Wolf-Sister believes that the Ternion monks might be able to heal King Jorunn. But their complex rituals require special components.
- Thane Oda Wolf-Sister at Fort Amol
- Talk to Thane Oda Wolf-Sister in the Jarl's Manor at Fort Amol.
- Collect vampire blood and get the help of the Dreamwalker.
- Complete Our Poor Town at Darkwater Crossing.
- Complete A Right to Live and The Better of Two Evils at Wittestadr.
- Meet Thane Oda Wolf-Sister at the Ternion cave.
- Trivia, player notes,videos, fan art and such go here.
- Previous Quest : The War Council.
- Concurrent Quest : Our Poor Town, A Right to Live, The Better of Two Evils.
- Next Quest : Eternal Slumber.
- Bug: If you abandon one of the sub quests, "The Better of Two Evils," and choose a different path than you previously chose, the main questline of "Lifeline" will become bugged (Ex: If you initially chose to side with Valeric, abandoned, then chose Majorn and vice versa). Even though you have chosen and completed one side, at the end of "The Better of Two Evils," the "Lifeline" quest will still prompt you to talk the opposing character. This obviously is a bug that disables the ability to complete the quest, and the only known solutions are: to prevent it happening in the first place by not abandoning the sub quest, or to abandon the "Lifeline" quest all together and re-active it by talking to Thank Oda Wolf-Sister at the Fort Amol Keep.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I unknowingly triggered this bug. I had already completed both sub-quests. I abandoned the quest and accepted it from Oda again. Since it treats the sub-quests as separate quests, my progress was already saved. I simply had to talk to the Dreamwalker and Valeric about helping King Jorunn and I was able to continue the quest.
- Anonymous
I abandoned the quest to attempt to restart it and it's still stating that I completed Wittestadr, yet it's not in my journal/quests as complete, leaving me hopeless as to where to pick the quest back up. For me the guys father wasn't appearing to continue through the quest line. I've been back to Thane Oda Wolf-Sister and NOTHING.
Seriously I have Vampirism level 10 and all Skills unlocked. Also I am a Stage 4 Vampire. Yet the quest tells me to get the Blood of the Vampire from Wittestadr... Why can't I just give my own *****ing blood?