Regarding Your Contract

Regarding Your Contract
Collection Gold Coast Tomes

Regarding Your Contract is a Book in Elder Scrolls Online. Contained within Eidetic Memory, these books are part of the subcollection Gold Coast Tomes


Where to find Regarding Your Contract

      • Fort Strand



Regarding Your Contract Content

As I've told you repeatedly, It's not difficult to summon Clavicus Vile, but I'll advise you again that doing so is a very bad idea. What happened with Azati was a rare thing, and who knows where it will go in another ten years? No one's ever accused a Daedric Prince of failing to play the long game. The only reason Vile makes a deal with any mortal is to ensure they regret it. I don't know how Azati got the better of him, but you better believe it won't happen the same way twice. If you do nothing else, keep Azati's name out of it—and while we're on the subject, keep my name out of it too. Still, your gold's no different from any other, and you do seem intent on this lunacy, so here are your instructions. Head to the overgrown shrine I marked on your map on the 1st of Morning Star and throw five hundred gold in the old empty well. If Clavicus Vile is in the mood to deal, he'll come for you soon enough. Now, I know what you're thinking. Five hundred gold down a well? That's all you need to summon a Daedric Prince? If you were expecting to draw a bunch of sigils and offer a virgin sacrifice, my foolish friend, you're looking for the wrong Daedric Prince! Vile values gold and souls. Reconsider. Be happy with what you have instead of obsessing over what you want. If you go through with this, and I fear you will, don't come to me when it all goes wrong. Just remember I warned you.


Gold Coast Tomes
A Call to the Worthy  ♦  A Gold Coast Children's Bestiary  ♦  A Nixad Made Me Do It  ♦  Anvil Lighthouse Report  ♦  Anvil Taxes  ♦  Arena Fight Card  ♦  Arena Note  ♦  Baandari Peddler Note  ♦  Bitter Travels Among the Nixad  ♦  Cathedral Hierarchy  ♦  Chewed Note  ♦  Confessions of a Vampire Devotee  ♦  Contractor's Note  ♦  Count's Correspondence  ♦  Dibella's Mysteries and Revelations  ♦  Dragonstar Caravan Company Note  ♦  Epitaph for Ianus Faleria  ♦  Epitaph for Lucina Faleria  ♦  Epitaph for Maxivian Faleria  ♦  Epitaph for Neransi Faleria  ♦  Exposing a Terrible Evil  ♦  Eyewitness to the Wall  ♦  Fantos Epilion's Journal  ♦  Field Guide to River Trolls  ♦  Free Market of the People  ♦  Garlas Agea Construction Log  ♦  Glories of the Pirate Queen  ♦  Gold Coast Goblin Tribes  ♦  Gold Coast Guide, Part One  ♦  Gold Coast Guide, Part Two  ♦  Gold Coast Notables  ♦  Gold Coast Trading Company Note  ♦  Great Cathedral Closed!  ♦  Guide to Taming Dire Wolves  ♦  Imperial University Note  ♦  Intriguing Ayleid Ruin  ♦  Investigator Vale: Shadow Fellows  ♦  Join the Order!  ♦  Kindly Contrivers Notes  ♦  Knightsgrave: Legend or Legacy  ♦  Kvatch Arena Reopens!  ♦  Kwama Miner's Note  ♦  Letter from Kireth  ♦  Letter from the Governor  ♦  Letter to Sybilline Elve  ♦  Letter to the Grand Chanter  ♦  Letter to the Withered Rose  ♦  Litany of Blood  ♦  Litany of Blood Fulfilled  ♦  Lord Jarol's Deep Thoughts  ♦  Naryu's Fortune  ♦  Naughty Nereid Players  ♦  Needful Things  ♦  On Minotaurs  ♦  Order of The Hour  ♦  Pirate Queen of the Gold Coast  ♦  Reman's Fortune  ♦  Resolutes of Stendarr Note  ♦  Rise of the Red Sails  ♦  Sanguine's Revelers Note  ♦  Secret Note  ♦  Shadowbanish Vintners Note  ♦  Silver Dawn Contract  ♦  Soggy Note  ♦  Solus Vertilus's Journal  ♦  Song of the Prowler  ♦  Special Instructions  ♦  Suspicious Message  ♦  Sweetroll Recipients  ♦  The Black Dragon  ♦  The Black Dragon's Journal  ♦  The Black Dragon's Journal, Part 2  ♦  The Black Hand  ♦  The Blade of Woe  ♦  The Butcher of Bravil  ♦  The Deal  ♦  The Glint in the Night  ♦  The Grand Sermonizer's Journal  ♦  The Lie We Tell Ourselves  ♦  The Lost Fort Faleria  ♦  The Minotaur Song  ♦  The Mysterious Mermaid of Anvil  ♦  The Primate: Before the Light  ♦  The Primate: Finding Faith  ♦  The Primate: Rise to Glory


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