Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Mediator
- Writ Vouchers may be redeemed through purchases from Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Mediator, who also accepts Master Writ deliveries at Writ turn in locations in each of the alliance capitals.
- More difficult, rare, and expensive crafted items provide more Writ Vouchers on average than their more commonplace counterparts.
- Currently, you can obtain the following items from Rolis Hlaalu in exchange for Writ Vouchers:
- Style Items, individual Motif chapters, or the complete book for the Ebony Motif
- Two Legendary Furnishing plans per tradeskill
- The recipe and unique component for the Target Skeleton Furnishing
- The recipe and unique component for Aetherial Ambrosia
- Crafting station Furnishings for each tradeskill, and a dye station Furnishing
- Attunable crafting stations for Blacksmithing, Clothier, and Woodworking tradeskills, which can be used near crafted item set sites to transform them into Furnishing versions of those set stations
- Target Skeletons
- A Target Skeleton can be used to practice with new weapons, abilities, and combat in general. It does not fight back, but is a resilient opponent, roughly as difficult to put down as the second boss from Veteran Spindleclutch II (Bloodspawn).
- To learn to craft a Target Skeleton, you can purchase the plan from Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Mediator in each alliance capital, in exchange for Writ Vouchers.
- Writ Vouchers are obtained through Master Writs, and Rolis Hlaalu will appear after you start or complete a Master Writ. You can find the description for these below.
- Crafting a Target Skeleton requires an Animus Stone in addition to a variety of other ingredients.
- The Animus Stone is a new crafting material that is also available in exchange for Writ Vouchers.
- Shortly after being defeated, the Target Skeleton will reform itself.
- Guild Reprints of Shalidor's Library
- After you complete a collection from Shalidor's Library, a Mages Guild reprint of that collection will be available on any Mystic for a moderate fee.
- Each reprint contains individual volumes of every book in that collection. These reprint volumes can be placed in your home, and you or your guests can read them at any time.
- Reading a reprint volume does not grant Mages Guild reputation or progress towards Shalidor's Library--only the original version of a book counts for that!
- Standard Crafting Stations
- Crafting stations can be purchased from Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Mediator, for a modest number of Writ Vouchers.
- Once placed in the home, these can be used like any other crafting station.
- Note: Crafting stations will not work if placed at an angle or inside other objects.
- Attunable Crafting Stations
- Attunable Crafting Stations can be purchased from Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Mediator, in exchange for Writ Vouchers.
- These items can be activated at any item set crafting site in the world, permanently attuning the station to the unique energies of that item set and binding the station to you.
- Once attuned, the station can be placed as a furnishing in your home and used by you and your guests to craft items from the set it is attuned to.
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