Jewelry Crafting Materials


 All of these materials are used to create Jewelry and assign it a Trait. Obtain the materials by refining their "dust", "pulverized" or "grain" versions. Quality is defined by Platings

Jewelry Crafting Materials

ounce-Pewter-eso-jewelry-craftingPewter Ounces

Used to create Jewelry level 1 to level 24.
Refined from Pewter Dust

ounce-Copper-eso-jewelry-craftingCopper Ounces

Used to create Jewelry level 26 to level 50.
Refined from Copper Dust

ounce-Silver-eso-jewelry-craftingSilver Ounces

Used to create Jewelry of  champion-level-eso10 to champion-level-eso70.
Refined from Silver Dust
ounce-Electrum-eso-jewelry-craftingElectrum Ounces Used to create Jewelry of champion-level-eso80 to champion-level-eso140.
Refined from Electrum Dust
ounce-Platinum-eso-jewelry-craftingPlatinum Ounces Used to create Jewelry of champion-level-eso150 to champion-level-eso160.
Refined from Platinum Dust
Trait Materials

An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Arcane: Increases Maximum Magicka by 30.


An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Healthy: Increases Maximum Health by 33.


An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Robust: Increases Maximum Stamina by 30.


An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Triune: Increases Health, Magicka, and Stamina by 15.


An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Protective: Increases Spell Resistance and Physical Resistance by 164.

aurbic_amber-eso-trait-materialAurbic Amber

An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Infused: Increases jewelry enchantment effectiveness by 24%.

gildin_wax-eso-trait-materialGilding Wax

An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Swift : Increases movement speed by 6%.


An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Harmony: Increases damage, healing, resource restore, and damage shield strength of synergies you activate by 15%.


An ingredient for crafting Jewelry with an intrinsic trait.

Bloodthirsty: Increases damage against enemies under 25% health by 12%.

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