Swift Renewal

Constellation Warfare
Stages 5
Points per stage 10
Max Bonus 10%
Slot N/A

Swift Renewal is a star within the Constellation Warfare in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). Each constellation has 4 slots for certain passive skills, and you can swap passives any time out of combat.



Swift Renewal Information

This was added with Flames of Ambition DLC in March 2021. 




Increases your Healing Done with Healing over time effects by 2% per stage. (5 stages, 50 pts)






Arcane Supremacy  ♦  Backstabber  ♦  Biting Aura  ♦  Bulwark  ♦  Cleansing Revival  ♦  Cutting Defense  ♦  Deadly Aim  ♦  Duelist's Rebuff  ♦  Eldritch Insight  ♦  Endless Endurance  ♦  Enduring Resolve  ♦  Fighting Finesse  ♦  Focused Mending  ♦  Foresight  ♦  Master-at-Arms  ♦  Occult Overload  ♦  Precision  ♦  Reaving Blows  ♦  Reinforced (Warfare)  ♦  Rejuvenator  ♦  Riposte  ♦  Soothing Tide  ♦  Tireless Discipline  ♦  Unassailable  ♦  Untamed Aggression  ♦  Wrathful Strikes


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