Shield Master

Constellation Fitness
Stages 5
Points per stage 10
Max Bonus 10%
Slot Required

Shield Master is a star within the Constellation Fitness in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). Each constellation has 4 slots for certain passive skills, and you can swap passives any time out of combat.



Shield Master Information

This was added with Flames of Ambition DLC in March 2021.




Reduces the cost of your shields by 2% per stage. (Add to champion bar to activate. 5 stages, 50 pts)






Arcane Alacrity  ♦  Bashing Brutality  ♦  Bastion  ♦  Bloody Renewal  ♦  Boundless Vitality  ♦  Defiance  ♦  Expert Evasion  ♦  Fortification  ♦  Hardened  ♦  Hero's Vigor  ♦  Ironclad  ♦  Juggernaut (Fitness)  ♦  On Guard  ♦  Peace of Mind  ♦  Piercing Gaze  ♦  Rejuvenation  ♦  Rousing Speed  ♦  Savage Defense  ♦  Siphoning Spells  ♦  Slippery  ♦  Spirit Mastery  ♦  Sprinter  ♦  Strategic Reserve  ♦  Survival Instincts  ♦  Tempered Soul  ♦  Tireless Guardian  ♦  Tumbling


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