
Constellation Craft
Stages 1
Points per stage 25
Max Bonus 10%
Slot Required

Homemaker is a star within the Constellation Craft in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). Each constellation has 4 slots for certain passive skills, and you can swap passives any time out of combat.



Homemaker Information

This was added with Flames of Ambition DLC in March 2021. 




You have a 10% chance to find a second furnishing plan whenever you find a furnishing plain in the world. (Add to champion bar to activate. 25 pts)






Angler's Instincts  ♦  Breakfall  ♦  Fade away  ♦  Fleet Phantom  ♦  Fortune's Favor  ♦  Friends in Low Places  ♦  Gifted Rider  ♦  Infamous  ♦  Liquid Efficiency  ♦  Meticulous Disassembly  ♦  Professional Upkeep  ♦  Rationer  ♦  Reel Technique  ♦  Soul Reservoir  ♦  Steadfast Enchantment  ♦  Steed's Blessing  ♦  Sustaining Shadows  ♦  Wanderer


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