Agony Totem

set line

Cast Time

agony totem bone tyrant skills necromancer eso

6m (area)
4050 Magicka

set line

Summon an effigy of bone that gives Minor Protection to you and your allies for 13 seconds, reducing your damage taken by 5%.

After 2 seconds, the totem instills fear in enemies every 2 seconds, holding them in place for 4 seconds.

Allies can activate Pure Agony, causing enemies to take 2100 Magic Damage over 5 seconds and applying Minor Vulnerability to them for the duration, increasing their damage taken by 5%.

Ally can activate a synergy to Damage and apply Minor Vulnerability to enemies. Increases the duration of the totem as the ability ranks up.


Agony Totem is a Skill in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), this skill can be found and is a part of the Bone Tyrant Skills Line. It can be unlocked by gaining experience while having a Skill from that Line on your active Skill Bar. Skills can be reset at Rededication Shrines found in the capital cities of each ESO faction, for a tidy sum of gold.



Builds for Agony Totem




Champion Points That Affect Agony Totem



Equipment Sets That Affect Agony Totem



Notes & Other Useful Information

  • Damage listed in infobox is base damage of a CP 160 with zero CP spent, zero Attribute Points used and zero Skills taken at Rank IV.
  • Skill Type:  Active
  • Unlocked at Bone Totem Rank IV


Bone Tyrant Skills
Beckoning Armor  ♦  Bitter Harvest  ♦  Bone Armor  ♦  Bone Goliath Transformation  ♦  Bone Totem  ♦  Deaden Pain  ♦  Death Gleaning  ♦  Death Scythe  ♦  Disdain Harm  ♦  Empowering Grasp  ♦  Ghostly Embrace  ♦  Grave Grasp  ♦  Health Avarice  ♦  Hungry Scythe  ♦  Last Gasp  ♦  Necrotic Potency  ♦  Pummeling Goliath  ♦  Ravenous Goliath  ♦  Remote Totem  ♦  Ruinous Scythe  ♦  Summoner's Armor




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