Wisdom of Vanus is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is a Light Armor Set that is part of the Summerset Chapter, and has 5 Bonuses.

Light Armor - Psijic Order

Bind on Equip

Wisdom of Vanus
set line

LEVEL 50  champion CHAMPION 160

(2 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
(3 items) Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
(4 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
(5 items) Adds 129 Spell and Weapon Damage
(5 items) After landing a Full Heavy Attack, gain Major Mending for 5 seconds, increasing your healing done by 16%. This duration is increased with each rank of the Restoration Staff Passive Essence Drain when using a Restoration Staff.




Wisdom of Vanus Set Information


Where to find

  • Summerset
  • Pieces can be obtained from Summerset Daily Recompense which is a reward container acquired by completing Daily Quests in Summerset.
  • Delve bosses have a chance to drop a waist or feet set piece from the zone they are located in.
  • Each boss also has a small chance to drop a unique set piece.
  • Overland group bosses have a 100% chance to drop head, chest, legs, or weapon set piece from the zone they are located in.
  • Public dungeon bosses have a chance to drop a shoulder, hand, or weapon set piece from the zone they are located in.
  • Treasure chests found in the world have a chance to grant any set piece that can drop in that zone:
    Simple chests have a slight chance of dropping an item set piece.
    Intermediate chests have a good chance of dropping an item set piece
    Advanced and Master chests have a guaranteed chance of dropping an item set piece.
  • Treasure chests found in the world have a chance to grant any set piece that can drop in that zone:
    • Simple chests have a slight chance of dropping an item set piece.
    • Intermediate chests have a good chance of dropping an item set piece
    • Advanced and Master chests have a guaranteed chance of dropping an item set piece.
  • If you have the Treasure Hunter Champion Passive, both the above chances and quality of an item will be improved. (See our new Champion System page for more information.)
  • Treasure chests found from a Treasure Map have a guaranteed chance to drop one random set piece that can drop in that zone.
  • Regular monsters throughout Tamriel have a small chance of dropping any item set piece that can drop in that zone.


Unique Set Pieces

Maple+Bow+Imperialsapiarch light shoulders aFallen Scholar's Epaulets

  • Type: Epaulets
  • Dropped by: Quest "Murder in Lillandril" in Summerset
  • Enchantments: Maximum Magicka Enchantment.
  • Traits: Infused

Iron+Sword+ImperialringRing of Summerset's Champion

  • Type: Ring
  • Dropped by: Quest "A New Alliance" in Summerset
  • Enchantments: ???
  • Traits: Arcane

Iron+Helm+Imperialpsijicorder light waist aSash of the Psijic Order

Iron+Greaves+Imperialpsijicorder light feet aShoes of the Psijic Order


Maple+Bow+Imperialancient elf staff aStaff of the Crystal Tower

Iron+Sword+Imperialpsijicorder light robe aSurcoat of the Psijic Order

Iron+Helm+Imperialancient elf light legs aTomb Keeper's Breeches










  • Values listed are at Legendary Champion 160
  • This set is bind-on-pickup/equip
  • This set has Weapons of every type



Ringfocussapiarch light robesapiarch light hatsapiarch light epauletssapiarch light jerkinsapiarch light glovesapiarch light breechsapiarch light sashsapiarch light shoessapiarch 1haxe asapiarch 1hhammer asapiarch 1hsword asapiarch 2haxe asapiarch 2hhammer asapiarch 2hsword asapiarch bow asapiarch dagger asapiarch shield asapiarch staff a



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