Winter's Respite Set is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is a Light Armor Sets that is part of Greymoor Expansion, and has 4 bonuses.

Light Armor

Bind On Equip

Winter's Respite
set line

LEVEL 50  champion CHAMPION 160

(2 items) Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
(3 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
(4 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
(5 items) Casting abilities that leave an effect on the ground will create a circle of healing frost for 10 seconds. You and your allies restore 1125 Health every 2 seconds while inside the circle. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Maximum Magicka or Stamina.



Winter's Respite Set Information



How to Get Winter's Respite Set

  • Pieces can be obtained from Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer which is a reward container acquired by completing Daily Quests in Western Skyrim.
  • Can be found at Western Skyrim. (Overland Set)
  • Delve bosses have a chance to drop a waist or feet set piece from the zone they are located in.
  • Each boss also has a small chance to drop a unique set piece.
  • Overland group bosses have a 100% chance to drop head, chest, legs, or weapon set piece from the zone they are located in.
  • Public dungeon bosses have a chance to drop a shoulder, hand, or weapon set piece from the zone they are located in.
  • Treasure chests found in the world have a chance to grant any set piece that can drop in that zone:
    Simple chests have a slight chance of dropping an item set piece.
    Intermediate chests have a good chance of dropping an item set piece
    Advanced and Master chests have a guaranteed chance of dropping an item set piece.
  • Treasure chests found in the world have a chance to grant any set piece that can drop in that zone:
    • Simple chests have a slight chance of dropping an item set piece.
    • Intermediate chests have a good chance of dropping an item set piece
    • Advanced and Master chests have a guaranteed chance of dropping an item set piece.
  • If you have the Treasure Hunter Champion Passive, both the above chances and quality of an item will be improved. (See our new Champion System page for more information.)
  • Treasure chests found from a Treasure Map have a guaranteed chance to drop one random set piece that can drop in that zone.
  • Regular monsters throughout Tamriel have a small chance of dropping any item set piece that can drop in that zone.



Winter's Respite Set Notes & Tips

Once the set piece is in your collections, you can create an account-bound piece of the set using Transmute Crystals.



Winter's Respite Set Pieces

The set consists of Light Armor and jewelry in all slots, as well as weapons and shields of all types. Unique pieces include:

  • Fire Staff of the Gray Host, The Vampire Scholar quest reward
  • Spiderprod Staff, The Scraps quest reward
  • Meridia's Healing Rod, Meridia's Brilliance quest reward
  • Ambritt's Iceflame, The Gathering Storm quest reward
  • Greymoor Skullcap, Greymoor Rising quest reward
  • Antiquarian's Gloves, The Aspiring Scholar quest reward
  • Surcoat of Solitude, Dark Clouds Over Solitude quest reward
  • Rigurt's Fancy Shirt, Cultural Conciliation quest reward
  • Seeker's Cincture, The Fading Fire quest reward
  • Dancer's Treble Shoes, A Salskap to Remember quest reward
  • Frost-Cursed Lament, Long Journey Home quest reward




Light Armor Sets
Almalexia's Mercy Set  ♦  Amber Plasm Set  ♦  Arch-Mage Set  ♦  Auroran's Thunder Set  ♦  Bloodthorn's Touch Set  ♦  Buffer of the Swift Set  ♦  Burning Spellweave Set  ♦  Caluurion's Legacy Set  ♦  Combat Physician Set  ♦  Curse Eater Set  ♦  Dark Convergence Set  ♦  Desert Rose Set  ♦  Destructive Mage Set  ♦  Draugr's Rest Set  ♦  Dreamer's Mantle Set  ♦  Elemental Succession Set  ♦  Flame Blossom Set  ♦  Galerion's Revenge Set  ♦  Gossamer Set  ♦  Hanu's Compassion Set  ♦  Healer's Habit Set  ♦  Healing Mage Set  ♦  Icy Conjuror Set  ♦  Imperial Physique Set  ♦  Infallible Mage Set  ♦  Jorvuld's Guidance Set  ♦  Lamia's Song Set  ♦  Languor of Peryite  ♦  Light of Cyrodiil Set  ♦  Light Speaker Set  ♦  Mad Tinkerer Set  ♦  Magicka Furnace Set  ♦  Mantle of Siroria Set  ♦  Meritorious Service Set  ♦  Moon Hunter Set  ♦  Moondancer Set  ♦  Mother's Sorrow Set  ♦  Necropotence Set  ♦  Netch's Touch Set  ♦  Noble Duelist's Silks Set  ♦  Overwhelming Surge Set  ♦  Perfect Mantle of Siroria Set  ♦  Perfect Vestment of Olorime Set  ♦  Phoenix Set  ♦  Prayer Shawl Set  ♦  Prisoner's Rags Set  ♦  Queen's Elegance Set  ♦  Robes of Alteration Mastery Set  ♦  Robes of Destruction Mastery Set  ♦  Robes of the Hist Set  ♦  Robes of the Withered Hand Set  ♦  Robes of Transmutation Set  ♦  Sanctuary Set  ♦  Scathing Mage Set  ♦  Scorion's Feast Set  ♦  Shadow Dancer's Raiment Set  ♦  Shroud of the Lich Set  ♦  Silks of the Sun Set  ♦  Sithis' Touch Set  ♦  Skooma Smuggler Set  ♦  Spell Power Cure Set  ♦  Spider Cultist Cowl Set  ♦  Spinner's Garment's Set  ♦  Stendarr's Embrace Set  ♦  Syrabane's Grip Set  ♦  Thews of the Harbinger Set  ♦  Treasure Hunter Set  ♦  Trinimac's Valor Set  ♦  Twilight Remedy Set  ♦  Undaunted Unweaver Set  ♦  Vampire Lord Set  ♦  Vestment of Olorime Set  ♦  Vestments of the Warlock Set  ♦  Vicious Death Set  ♦  War Maiden Set  ♦  Way of Martial Knowledge Set  ♦  Winterborn Set  ♦  Wisdom of Vanus Set  ♦  Wise Mage Set  ♦  Worm's Raiment Set  ♦  Ysgramor's Birthright Set

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    • Anonymous

      You should decide whichever text is correct and give one for all, not like now:

      description on list of sets:
      (5 items) Casting abilities that leave an effect on the ground will create a circle of healing frost for 10 seconds. You and your allies restore 2358 Health every 2 seconds while inside the circle. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.

      here for this set
      (5 items) Casting abilities that leave an effect on the ground will create a circle of healing frost for 10 seconds. You and your allies restore 1125 Health every 2 seconds while inside the circle. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Maximum Magicka or Stamina.

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