The Dose Makes the Poison

The Dose Makes the Poison
Collection Criminal Correspondence
Author Zanziba the Clever

The Dose Makes the Poison is a Book in Elder Scrolls Online. Contained within Eidetic Memory, these books are part of the subcollection Criminal Correspondence


Where to find The Dose Makes the Poison

      • Sentinel Outlaws Refuge



The Dose Makes the Poison Content

The key to the poisoner's art lies in a thorough understanding of how a substance's effects on a person vary depending on amount or concentration of the substance. Let us take for an example leaves of Heart's-Ease, a common anodyne found in every pharmacopeia. The leaves are brewed as a bedtime tea by those who have trouble falling asleep. However, if the leaves are dried and converted to a powder, one can create a powerful soporific. Six grains of this, added to a night-watchman's ale, are almost guaranteed to put him in a deep sleep within a quarter-hour. Give him twenty-four grains, and he'll never wake again.


Criminal Correspondence
A Letter to the Mayor  ♦  A Perfect Score  ♦  A Smuggler's Plan  ♦  A Word to the Wise  ♦  About the Boss  ♦  Articles of the Sakkr-al-Behr  ♦  Azum's Journal  ♦  Bashshi-ra Inquiry  ♦  Bjoulsae Boys Charter  ♦  Black Dagger Recall Orders  ♦  Broken Helm Notes  ♦  Burnt Note  ♦  Camandar's Journal  ♦  Captain Lagra's Ledger  ♦  Confessions of a Khajiiti Fur Trader  ♦  Confessions of a Skooma Eater  ♦  Cover Every Approach  ♦  Curnard's Journal  ♦  Dealing with Quitters  ♦  Deckhand's Log  ♦  Digging Orders  ♦  Don't Mess This Up  ♦  End of My Patience  ♦  Excuses Don't Buy Mansions  ♦  Fjar's Interrogation Transcript  ♦  Flyleaf Catacombs Book  ♦  Fool!  ♦  For Mathal  ♦  For the Doyen, Sleek Splendid-Paws  ♦  Get Back to Work  ♦  Gilded Letter  ♦  Gold Coast Missive  ♦  Greetings from the Orcthane  ♦  Harrani's Report  ♦  Hidden-Hands' Journal  ♦  Hizrabi's Report  ♦  Hope and Recriminations  ♦  Ilessan Tower Book  ♦  In the Event of Your Demise  ♦  Instructions for Placement  ♦  It's the Hunt that Counts  ♦  Ithis Omalor's Orders  ♦  Journal of Garron  ♦  Khajiiti Note  ♦  Last Warning, Cat  ♦  Letter from Rakhad  ♦  Letter to Agnor  ♦  Letter to Ando  ♦  Letter to Dhalen  ♦  Letter to Skull-Brother Xandier  ♦  Letter to Zurga gra-Murtag  ♦  Lockpick Sales-Duty  ♦  Message to Jena  ♦  Nellor's Bandit Connection  ♦  No Reason to Worry  ♦  Nobility in Theft  ♦  Notable Transactions  ♦  Note from Captain Accalia  ♦  Note from Khezuli's Contact  ♦  Note from Sagabar  ♦  Note on Broken Crate  ♦  Note to Darius  ♦  Note to Gilbard  ♦  Note to Pellus  ♦  Note to Rufinus  ♦  Note to Selias  ♦  Notes on Bewan  ♦  Orders are Orders  ♦  Orders from the Chief  ♦  Recruiting a Ranger  ♦  Red Rook's Journal  ♦  Red Rook Orders  ♦  Red Rook Orders: Cryptwatch  ♦  Reminder  ♦  Resources for Lukiul  ♦  Skooma Runner Logs  ♦  Sphinxmoth Bandit Leader's Notes  ♦  Taking Tolls!  ♦  Tattered Note  ♦  Telvanni Requirements  ♦  The Five Tenets  ♦  The Ghost is Our Friend  ♦  The Interrogation of Henghild  ♦  The Perfect Batch  ♦  Tsanji's Ship Records  ♦  Unlabeled Notes  ♦  Warning: I Heard You!  ♦  Watch Your Back  ♦  We Expect Absolute Discretion  ♦  Your Final Chance


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