


The Thief

Minor Constellation

The Lover

Rank Requirement

Grants the player 2 Ultimate whenever he/she activates a Synergy in combat

Syngergizer is a star within the Constellation The Lover in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO).

Syngergizer Information

This was added in Update 6 with the Champion System. In grants the player 2 Ultimate whenever he/she activates an Synergy. 30 points in the Lover Constellation are required to unlock it. Once unlocked the player will acquire this bonus automatically and across all characters on their account.







The Lover
Arcanist (Constellation)  ♦  Healthy  ♦  Master Gatherer  ♦  Mooncalf  ♦  Plentiful Harvest  ♦  Tenacity  ♦  Wind Running


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    • Anonymous

      Dear, Two bad things about champion system First changes brought by champion system doesnt show up in the character board It means if u have 10% critical chance and one of the chanpuon skils grants u a % over it u must pray and believe it really adds Now i got the sinergizer skill unlocked that should grant me 2 ultimates and guess what happened I mever ger 2 ultimates Doesent matter if i use the first urlimate and than use the sinergy or if i use the sinergy hoping it will gimme 2 uktinates afyerwards It does not work at all Regards

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