Robes of the Hist is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is a Light Armor Set that is part of One Tamriel, and has 4 Bonuses.
Light Armor - Argonian
Bind on Equip
Robes of the Hist

(2 items) Adds 1206 Max Health
(3 items) Adds 129 Spell and Weapon Damage
(4 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
(5 items) While you are affected by a disabling effect, immobilization, or snare, you heal for 2000 Health every 1 second for 5 seconds. The effect can apply once every second, but cannot stack.
Robes of the Hist Set Guide
- Type of Set: Light Armor
- Jewelry Trait: Arcane
- Required Content: None
- Recommend For: Tank
- Transmute crystal cost:
- Difficulty to Acquire: Medium
Robes of the Hist Set Location
- Robes of the Hist Set can be acquired in Shadowfen
- Delve bosses have a chance to drop a waist or feet set piece from the zone they are located in.
- Each boss also has a small chance to drop a unique set piece.
- Overland group bosses have a 100% chance to drop head, chest, legs, or weapon set piece from the zone they are located in.
- Public dungeon bosses have a chance to drop a shoulder, hand, or weapon set piece from the zone they are located in.
- Treasure Chests gained from defeating a Dark Anchor have a 100% chance to drop a ring or amulet set piece form the zone they are located in.
- Treasure chests found in the world have a chance to grant any set piece that can drop in that zone:
- Simple chests have a slight chance of dropping an item set piece.
- Intermediate chests have a good chance of dropping an item set piece
- Advanced and Master chests have a guaranteed chance of dropping an item set piece.
- If you have the Treasure Hunter Champion Passive, both the above chances and quality of an item will be improved.
- Treasure chests found from a Treasure Map have a guaranteed chance to drop one random set piece that can drop in that zone.
- Major quests have been updated to reward a green or blue-quality set piece.
- Regular monsters throughout Tamriel have a small chance of dropping any item set piece that can drop in that zone
- Pieces can be obtained from Cyrodilic Collections Daily Contract Recompense which is a reward container acquired by completing Daily Quests given by Jee-Lar of the Cyrodilic Collections in Shadowfen.
Robes of the Hist Unique Set Pieces
Naeraizozan's Band of Hist Sap
Shield of the Third House of Hist Sap
- Type: Shield
- Dropped by: Rebecca Lirlane, Chid-Moska Ruins, Shadowfen
- Enchantments: Poisoned Weapon
- Traits: Impen
Deepswamp Staff of Hist Sap
Robes of the Hist Set Notes
- Values listed are at Legendary Champion 160
- This set is bind-on-equip
- This set has Weapons of every type
- The 5 piece bonus was changed slightly with Update 19
- Once the set piece is in your Collections, you can create an account-bound piece of the set using Transmute Crystals.
Robes of the Hist Set Pieces
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Possibly a silly question, but would this 5-piece bonus trigger for the duration you're "disabled" when casting/channeling, or while you've toggled the "meditation" skill from the psijic order skill line perhaps?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The uniques set pieces noted are incorrect. Deepswamp staff is a resto. The Pincher is a dagger.
- Anonymous
it only says disableing effects, does that include roots/snares?
So, if you take a potion with a disambling effect, you have 2000 health recovery per second?