Overwhelming Surge is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is a Light Armor Set that is part of One Tamriel, and has 4 Bonuses.
Light Armor - Ancient Elf
Bind on Pickup
Overwhelming Surge

(2 items) Adds 1032 Max Magicka
(3 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
(4 items) Adds 129 Weapon and Spell Damage
(5 items) When you deal damage with a Class ability, you surround yourself with a torrent that deals 149 Shock Damage to enemies within 8 meters of you every 1 second for 6 seconds. 15% of the damage you deal this way is restored to you as Magicka. This effect can occur every 7 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Overwhelming Surge Set Information
- Type of Set: Light Armor
- Jewelry Trait: Arcane
- Required Content: None
- Recommend For: PvP Magicka Templar, PvP Magicka Dragon Knight
- Value: High
- Difficulty to Acquire: Medium
Where to find
- Tempest Island (Normal and Vet)
- Mini bosses will drop either a hand, waist, or feet set piece.
- Bosses will drop either a chest, shoulder, head or leg set piece.
- The final Boss of a dungeon will drop weapons or jewelry.
- Normal mode dungeon bosses will drop blue-quality items.
- Veteran mode dungeon bosses will drop purple-quality items.
Unique Set Pieces
Speaker's Band
- Type: Ring
- Dropped by: Yalorasse the Speaker, Tempest Island
- Enchantments: Reduce Spell Cost
- Traits: Arcane
Commodore's Medal
- Type: Necklace
- Dropped by: Commodore Ohmanil, Tempest Island
- Enchantments: Magicka Recovery
- Traits: Arcane
Neidir's Thundering Staff
- Type: Lightning Staff
- Dropped by: Stormreeve Neidir, Tempest Island
- Enchantments: Decrease Health
- Traits: Sharpened
- Values listed are at Legendary Champion 160
- This set is bind-on-pickup
- This set has Weapons of every type
- Due to the Magicka Templar and Magicka Dragon Knight's reliance on class abilities and frequency of melee-range encounters, this set is particularly valuable in PvP for them.
- As the effect is an AoE, the Ancient Knowledge passive in the Destruction Staff tree buffs the 5-set ability's damage output by 4%/8%.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Overwhelming Surge + Thunderbug's + Stormfist for a shocking good time
- Anonymous
Really doesn’t keep up with the current patch cost increases it needs its mag return doubled if not tripled as even in a outnumbered fight it just can’t keep up with the cost of skills now, plus the damage needs to be static higher number and not change when bar swapping
- Anonymous
Ran this dungeon 50 times in row and never got even one ring, shield, chest, or leg. Done with ESO. Already hate Bethesda anyway. Uninstalled.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This may be a stupid question, but can you proc more than one instance of this at a time, or does it just refresh the duration if you proc it again before it runs out? Because this set might be pretty neat if you can have multiple procs hitting people at once. If not, then it's only meh...
- Anonymous
this set would be so much better if the proc was aoe like the embershield one
- Anonymous
the drop rate apoears to be very poor. 30 runs. not a full set. only 3 divines.
- Anonymous
Quick question: Does it proc on all class abilities? Like for a NB, would it proc with Shadow Cloak?
- Anonymous
I've been running this place loads on Normal cause all I want is the Armor, but DAMN why doesn't it ever drop?! I've gotten 1 damn piece that had a decent trait on it...
- Anonymous
Does the jewellery drop arcane traits and does weapons drop sharpened?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Can it proc from back barring set while on front ?