Notable Transactions

Notable Transactions
Collection Criminal Correspondence
Author Rinfir-jo

Notable Transactions is a Book in Elder Scrolls Online. Contained within Eidetic Memory, these books are part of the subcollection Criminal Correspondence


Where to find Notable Transactions

      • Ren-dro Mansion, Pa'alat



Notable Transactions Content

Krin, I've outlined a few of the most notable transactions from the last few weeks. Anything I haven't noted here is pretty much moving along as we'd hope. And as a reminder, make sure to tell your cousin about her kid. Why she thought he could make it running with you, I'll never know. I sent what was left of him to Thizzrini. Trolls are always hungry, you know. — Payments from businesses in Dune and Rawl'kha continue to trickle in. Our new push in Dune has earned lots of coin. I've pulled everyone out of Arenthia. Not sure what to make of the situation there. — Hadran sent along two loaves of nectar bread and a bottle of plum brandy. He's late on his payment, but word from our agent is that he's good for it. Suggest letting it go for another week or two. — Ishalga is well and truly hooked. Never thought it would be so useful having someone like her on retainer, but she's proven surprisingly informative. Arena's a good place to drink, I guess. — Damned eagles shut down one of our operations in Skywatch. Malion's not in a cell yet. But we need to rethink our relationship with that city. — We've lost contact with our agent in the Red Sun bandits. I honestly don't know what's happened, but Malabal Tor has some kind of crazy situation developing over there. Suggest we hold tight and see if he reaches out. Bright moons, boss. — Rinfir-jo


Criminal Correspondence
A Letter to the Mayor  ♦  A Perfect Score  ♦  A Smuggler's Plan  ♦  A Word to the Wise  ♦  About the Boss  ♦  Articles of the Sakkr-al-Behr  ♦  Azum's Journal  ♦  Bashshi-ra Inquiry  ♦  Bjoulsae Boys Charter  ♦  Black Dagger Recall Orders  ♦  Broken Helm Notes  ♦  Burnt Note  ♦  Camandar's Journal  ♦  Captain Lagra's Ledger  ♦  Confessions of a Khajiiti Fur Trader  ♦  Confessions of a Skooma Eater  ♦  Cover Every Approach  ♦  Curnard's Journal  ♦  Dealing with Quitters  ♦  Deckhand's Log  ♦  Digging Orders  ♦  Don't Mess This Up  ♦  End of My Patience  ♦  Excuses Don't Buy Mansions  ♦  Fjar's Interrogation Transcript  ♦  Flyleaf Catacombs Book  ♦  Fool!  ♦  For Mathal  ♦  For the Doyen, Sleek Splendid-Paws  ♦  Get Back to Work  ♦  Gilded Letter  ♦  Gold Coast Missive  ♦  Greetings from the Orcthane  ♦  Harrani's Report  ♦  Hidden-Hands' Journal  ♦  Hizrabi's Report  ♦  Hope and Recriminations  ♦  Ilessan Tower Book  ♦  In the Event of Your Demise  ♦  Instructions for Placement  ♦  It's the Hunt that Counts  ♦  Ithis Omalor's Orders  ♦  Journal of Garron  ♦  Khajiiti Note  ♦  Last Warning, Cat  ♦  Letter from Rakhad  ♦  Letter to Agnor  ♦  Letter to Ando  ♦  Letter to Dhalen  ♦  Letter to Skull-Brother Xandier  ♦  Letter to Zurga gra-Murtag  ♦  Lockpick Sales-Duty  ♦  Message to Jena  ♦  Nellor's Bandit Connection  ♦  No Reason to Worry  ♦  Nobility in Theft  ♦  Note from Captain Accalia  ♦  Note from Khezuli's Contact  ♦  Note from Sagabar  ♦  Note on Broken Crate  ♦  Note to Darius  ♦  Note to Gilbard  ♦  Note to Pellus  ♦  Note to Rufinus  ♦  Note to Selias  ♦  Notes on Bewan  ♦  Orders are Orders  ♦  Orders from the Chief  ♦  Recruiting a Ranger  ♦  Red Rook's Journal  ♦  Red Rook Orders  ♦  Red Rook Orders: Cryptwatch  ♦  Reminder  ♦  Resources for Lukiul  ♦  Skooma Runner Logs  ♦  Sphinxmoth Bandit Leader's Notes  ♦  Taking Tolls!  ♦  Tattered Note  ♦  Telvanni Requirements  ♦  The Dose Makes the Poison  ♦  The Five Tenets  ♦  The Ghost is Our Friend  ♦  The Interrogation of Henghild  ♦  The Perfect Batch  ♦  Tsanji's Ship Records  ♦  Unlabeled Notes  ♦  Warning: I Heard You!  ♦  Watch Your Back  ♦  We Expect Absolute Discretion  ♦  Your Final Chance


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