Healing Mage is a Set in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is a Light Armor Set that is part of One Tamriel, and has 4 Bonuses.

Light Armor - Aetherial

Bind on Equip 

Healing Mage
set line

LEVEL 50  champion CHAMPION 160

(2 items) Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
(3 items) Adds 1096 Max Magicka
(4 items) Adds 4% Healing Done
(5 items) When you use an area of effect heal ability, you apply Minor Cowardice to enemies within 10 meters of you by 215 for 5 seconds. This effect can occur once every 3 seconds.



Healing Mage Set Guide

  • Type of Set: Light Armor
  • Jewelry Trait: Arcane
  • Required Content: None
  • Recommend For: Healer
  • Transmute crystal cost:
  • Difficulty to Acquire: Medium


Healing Mage Set Location

  • Healing Mage Set drops from all enemies in the dungeon Aetherian Archive. It can also be looted from Treasure Chests inside the dungeon. 
  • Mobs and bosses in Normal mode will drop blue-quality gear.
  • Mobs and bosses in Veteran mode will drop purple-quality gear.
  • The last boss on Veteran Hard Mode will drop gold-quality jewelry.
  • Pieces can be obtained from Mage's Ignorant Coffer or Mage's Knowledgeable Coffer, awarded once a week for completing the weekly quest A Mage's Tower.


Healing Mage Set Notes

  • Values listed are at Legendary Champion 160
  • This set is bind-on-pickup
  • This set has Weapons of every type
  • Once the set piece is in your Collections, you can create an account-bound piece of the set using Transmute Crystals.


Healing Mage Set Pieces

Aetherial HatAetherial RobeAetherial EpauletsAetherial BreechesAetherial ShoesAetherial GlovesAetherial Sashcraglorngod staff b sword of the two fanged snakecraglorngod shield aRingFocus


Light Armor Sets
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