Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer

This clockwork box is scratched and pecked by the vassals of the Blackfeather Court.
Type Container (Bind on Pick Up)
Acquired From Clockwork City Daily Quests

Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer is a reward container in the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). It is awarded for completing Daily Quests in the Brass Fortress in Clockwork City.


Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer Possible Contents

Overland Set Pieces for:

Crafting Materials:

Style Motif:

Other Rewards:

  • N/A


Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer Associated Quests

Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer is a reward for completion of the following Daily Quests in the Brass Fortress in Clockwork City:


Crow-Touched Clockwork Coffer Notes & Trivia

  • Note that reward container contents are not guaranteed (with a few exceptions), but are taken from a pool of possible rewards listed above with some items having a higher chance of being rewarded.



Daily Quest Reward Containers
Bruma Reward Container  ♦  Cheydinhal Reward Container  ♦  Chorrol Reward Container  ♦  Cropsford Reward Container  ♦  Cyrodilic Collections Daily Contract Recompense  ♦  Deadlands Reward Coffer  ♦  Dragon God's Pristine Hoard  ♦  Dragon God's Time-Worn Hoard  ♦  Dragonguard Supply Cache  ♦  Dro-m'Athra's Burnished Coffer  ♦  Dro-m'Athra's Shining Coffer  ♦  Elsweyr Daily Merit Coffer  ♦  Elsweyr Dragon Hunter's Coffer  ♦  Fabricant's Burnished Coffer  ♦  Fabricant's Shining Coffer  ♦  Fighters Guild Merits  ♦  Gift of Urshilaku Gratitude  ♦  Gold Coast Daily Contract Recompense  ♦  Grand Tribal Armor Crate  ♦  Hall of Justice Bounty Dispensation  ♦  Hall of Justice Explorer's Dispensation  ♦  Huntmaster's Recognition  ♦  Kyne's Gleaming Coffer  ♦  Kyne's Mundane Coffer  ♦  Leyawiin Reward Coffer  ♦  Mage's Ignorant Coffer  ♦  Mage's Knowledgeable Coffer  ♦  Mages Guild Merits  ♦  Markarth Reward Coffer  ♦  Nedic Coffer  ♦  Northern Elsweyr Defense Force Cache  ♦  Professional Thief's Satchel of Laundered Goods  ♦  Saint's Beatified Coffer  ♦  Satchel of Laundered Goods  ♦  Senchal Reward Chest  ♦  Serpent's Coiled Coffer  ♦  Serpent's Languid Coffer  ♦  Siege Master's Coffer  ♦  Skyrim Daily Reward Coffer  ♦  Slag Town Coffer  ♦  Summerset Daily Recompense  ♦  Tribal Armor Crate  ♦  Tribal Treasure Crate  ♦  Undaunted Merits  ♦  Vlastarus Reward Container  ♦  Warrior's Dulled Coffer  ♦  Warrior's Honed Coffer  ♦  Wayward Guardian's Cache  ♦  Welkynar's Grounded Coffer  ♦  Welkynar's Soaring Coffer  ♦  Yokudan Box  ♦  Yokudan Coffer of Distinction  ♦  Yokudan Coffer of Humility  ♦  Yokudan Coffer of Merit


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