Swords are a type of One-Handed Weapon in Elder Scrolls Online. They share the same Attack Speed as Axes, Maces and Daggers. Equipping them while having the passive skill: Twin Blade and Blunt (from the Dual Wield Skill Line) grants the player additional damage. Otherwise, there are no differences between Swords and the other weapon types mentioned above (except cosmetic ones).

Swords can be crafted, drop from bosses, be found in chests, acquired from vendors or Guild Merchants, be acquired from PvP Reward Bags or PvP vendors or be awarded in Pledge Chests. The tables below reflect the values for all craftable Swords in the game. For information on other Weapons, please see the Sets page. Please note that crafted Weapons (and Armor) have a slightly higher Damage (or Armor) value than others in Elder Scrolls Online. The values are roughly 2 levels higher than their counterparts. The Swords below can also be crafted as part of a Set. To see which sets, and where these can be crafted, please see the Set Bonus Crafting Locations page.

Name & Icon
Level of Item
Weapon Damage
Materials Needed
Normal Fine
Honing Stone.png
Dwarven Oil.png
Grain Solvent.png

Iron Sword

Iron Sword Imperial.png
1 168 204 239 275 311 3 Iron Ingots
4 215 251 287 323 358 4 Iron Ingots
6 251 287 323 358 394 5 Iron Ingots
8 275 311 346 382 418 6 Iron Ingots
10 299 334 370 406 442 7 Iron Ingots
12 323 358 394 430 465 8 Iron Ingots
14 346 382 418 453 489 9 Iron Ingots

Steel Sword

Steel Sword Imperial.png
16 370 406 442 477 513 4 Steel Ingots
18 394 430 465 501 537 5 Steel Ingots
20 418 453 489 525 561 6 Steel Ingots
22 442 477 513 549 584 7 Steel Ingots
24 465 501 537 572 608 8 Steel Ingots

Orichalc Sword

Orichalc-Steel Sword Imperial.png
26 489 525 561 596 632 5 Orichalc Ingots
28 513 549 584 620 656 6 Orichalc Ingots
30 537 572 608 644 680 7 Orichalc Ingots
32 561 596 632 668 703 8 Orichalc Ingots
34 584 620 656 691 727 9 Orichalc Ingots

Dwarven Sword

Dwarven-Steel Sword Imperial.png
36 608 644 680 715 751 6 Dwarven Ingots
38 632 668 703 739 775 7 Dwarven Ingots
40 656 691 727 763 799 8 Dwarven Ingots
42 680 715 751 787 822 9 Dwarven Ingots
44 703 739 775 810 846 11 Dwarven Ingots

Ebon Sword

Dwarven-Steel Sword Imperial.png
46 727 763 799 834 870 7 Ebony Ingots
48 751 787 822 858 894 8 Ebony Ingots
50 775 810 846 882 918 9 Ebony Ingots

Calcinium Sword

Calcinium Sword Imperial.png
CP10 775 810 846 870 906 8 Calcinium Ingots
CP20 799 834 870 894 929 9 Calcinium Ingots
CP30 810 846 882 906 941 10 Calcinium Ingots

Galatite Sword

Calcinium Sword Imperial.png
CP40 834 870 906 929 965 9 Galatite Ingots
CP50 846 882 918 941 977 10 Galatite Ingots
CP60 870 906 941 965 1001 11 Galatite Ingots

Quicksilver Sword

Calcinium Sword Imperial.png
CP70 882 918 953 977 1013 10 Quicksilver Ingots
CP80 906 941 977 1001 1037 11 Quicksilver Ingots

Voidsteel Sword

Calcinium Sword Imperial.png
CP90 918 953 989 1013 1048 11 Voidstone Ingots
CP100 941 977 1013 1037 1072 12 Voidstone Ingots
CP110 953 989 1025 1048 1084 13 Voidstone Ingots
CP120 977 1013 1048 1072 1108 14 Voidstone Ingots
CP130 989 1025 1060 1084 1120 15 Voidstone Ingots
CP140 1013 1048 1084 1108 1144 16 Voidstone Ingots

Rubedite Sword

Calcinium Sword Imperial.png
CP150 1025 1060 1096 1120 1235 11 Rubedite Ingots
CP160 1037 1072 1108 1132 1335 110 Rubedite Ingots

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