Lightning Staves are a type of Two-Handed Weapon in Elder Scrolls Online. They share the same Attack Speed as Ice Staves, Inferno Staves and Restoration Staves. Besides dealing Shock Damage, this changes many of the skills in the Destruction Staff Skill Line. To see the exact effects please see the Destruction Staff Skills page.

Lightning Staves can be crafted, drop from bosses, be found in chests, acquired from vendors or Guild Merchants, be acquired from PvP Reward Bags or PvP vendors or be awarded in Pledge Chests. The tables below reflect the values for all craftable Lightning Staves in the game. For information on other Weapons, please see the Sets page. Please note that crafted Weapons (and Armor) have a slightly higher Damage (or Armor) value than others in Elder Scrolls Online. The values are roughly 2 levels higher than their counterparts. The Lightning Staves below can also be crafted as part of a Set. To see which sets, and where these can be crafted, please see the Set Bonus Crafting Locations page.

Name & Icon
Level of Item
Weapon Damage
Materials Needed
Normal Fine

Maple Lightning Staff

Maples Staff Imperial.png

1 168 204 239 275 311 3 Sanded Maple
4 215 251 287 323 358 4 Sanded Maple
6 251 287 323 358 394 5 Sanded Maple
8 275 311 346 382 418 6 Sanded Maple
10 299 334 370 406 442 7 Sanded Maple
12 323 358 394 430 465 8 Sanded Maple
14 346 382 418 453 489 9 Sanded Maple

Oak Lightning Staff

Oak Staff Imperial.png

16 370 406 442 477 513 4 Sanded Oak
18 394 430 465 501 537 5 Sanded Oak
20 418 453 489 525 561 6 Sanded Oak
22 442 477 513 549 584 7 Sanded Oak
24 465 501 537 572 608 8 Sanded Oak

Beech Lightning Staff

Beech Staff Imperial.png

26 489 525 561 596 632 5 Sanded Beech
28 513 549 584 620 656 6 Sanded Beech
30 537 572 608 644 680 7 Sanded Beech
32 561 596 632 668 703 8 Sanded Beech
34 584 620 656 691 727 9 Sanded Beech

Hickory Lightning Staff

Hickory Staff Imperial.png

36 608 644 680 715 751 6 Sanded Hickory
38 632 668 703 739 775 7 Sanded Hickory
40 656 691 727 763 799 8 Sanded Hickory
42 680 715 751 787 822 9 Sanded Hickory
44 703 739 775 810 846 10 Sanded Hickory

Yew Lightning Staff

Hickory Staff Imperial.png

46 727 763 799 834 870 7 Sanded Yew
48 751 787 822 858 894 8 Sanded Yew
50 775 810 846 882 918 9 Sanded Yew

Birch Lightning Staff

Hickory Staff Imperial.png

CP10 775
810 846 870 906 8 Sanded Birch
CP20 799
834 870 894 929 9 Sanded Birch
CP30 810
846 882 906 941 10 Sanded Birch

Ash Lightning Staff

Hickory Staff Imperial.png

CP40 834 870 906 929 965 9 Sanded Ash
CP50 846 882 918 941 977 10 Sanded Ash
CP60 870 906 941 965 1001 11 Sanded Ash

Mahogany Lightning Staff

Hickory Staff Imperial.png

CP70 882
918 953 977 1013 10 Sanded Mahogany
CP80 906 941 977 1001 1037 11 Sanded Mahogany

Nightwood Lightning Staff

Hickory Staff Imperial.png

CP90 918 953 989 1013 1048 11 Sanded Nightwood
CP100 941 977 1013 1037 1072 12 Sanded Nightwood
CP110 953 989 1025 1048 1084 13 Sanded Nightwood
CP120 977 1013 1048 1072 1108 14 Sanded Nightwood
CP130 989 1025 1060 1084 1120 15 Sanded Nightwood
CP140 1013 1048 1084 1108 1144 16 Sanded Nightwood

Ruby Ash Lightning Staff

Hickory Staff Imperial.png

CP150 1025 1060 1096 1120 1235 12 Sanded Ruddy Ash 
CP160 1037 1072 1108 1132 1335  120 Sanded Ruddy Ash

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    • Anonymous

      what is this damage chart?

      currently equipped staff in ps4 version: maple lightning staff, lvl 5, normal rarity, 989 damage. according to this damage chart this should be a CP130 lightning staff with this kind of damage.

      hehe...this is a big numbers MMO, not small number. heck, i'm lvl 7 and have had over 15k max hp/mp/stamina since i started this character.

      you sure you got your math right? cause going by this chart, a CP130 lightning staff will actually have vastly higher damage than what's shown here.

      • Anonymous

        Heavy Attack cannot be reflected. Can begin channeling Heavy Attack, and maintain while moving, even when LoS ( line of sight ) would logically be an issue. Distance, however, must be maintained, or the channeling will cease, the moment a target is out of range. The " Cleave " damage gained via destruction staff talents, makes this the DK Heavy Attack build weapon of choice, in group PvP and most PvE. While the other 2 choices have higher single target DPS and CC capability Vs. Melee, you will never be reflected on a heavy attack, and gain the ability to use LoS abuse tactics.

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